
Goodman has been building quality Goodman brand air conditioning and heating equipment since 1982. Given decades of experience in the heating and cooling business, their customers can be assured that Goodman brand air conditioning and heating systems meet the highest industry standards and are installed by some of the best and most experienced professionals in the industry like J&J.

When you choose the Goodman brand, you can rest assured that you’ll receive a refreshingly affordable product that’s covered by what many consider to be the best product warranties in the heating and cooling industry.

Committed to Quality

There’s a good reason why thousands of the nation’s HVAC professionals recommend the Goodman brand. Dealers are completely comfortable with Goodman brand products that will keep their customers satisfied and enhance their own reputation. Goodman brand manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001-certified, an independent standard accepted worldwide as the benchmark for quality manufacturing and management processes, and ISO 14001-certified, an international environmental certification.

Thank Goodness for Goodman



J&J Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning Service

5120 E. Hearn
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Bus: 602-953-3395
Mobile: 602-527-8320